Patrick's Search Page

Patrick's Search Page


Barnes and Noble Search from database of over 1 million books (choose search type)


BugTraq Archives Search for software bugs and fixes

Fathead Search Engine A search engine for homepages only

PC Webopædia Online search of computer terminology (Enter a term or phrase)

Snap! Customizable search engine from CNet (Enter search terms)

Ultimate Band List Large database of musical artists, albums, and resources

411 Locate Locate a Web site or email address by a phone number (enter area code and phone number)

Ahoy! Searches for people's personal homepages (Enter last name, first name, institution, and country)

Alta Vista Web Search Digital's new search engine (Choose query type: Simple or Advanced)

Ask Jeeves Ask your question in plain English...

CityScape Global On-line Directory

Cyber 411 Search 15 of the top search engines

Debriefing Simultaneous search of   7 web search engines.

devSEARCH A search site for web developers (separate word & phrases with commas)

DogPile Simultaneous search of 13 WWW search engines, 6 Usenet sources, and 2 FTP archives

Electric Monk Plain English search from Lycos (enter your search in plain English).


Excite NetReviews   Reviews of various Web sites

Fathead Search Engine Search   for homepages.

Forum One Guide to on-line discussions.

Galaxy  WWW, Gopher, and Telnet. Just type what you want and "goto" it.

Highway 61 Search  7 web search engines

HotBot Search engine from HotWired/Inktomi

Inference FIND! Parallel search several engines, merges results, removes redundancies

InfoSeek Search using plain English or by keywords.

InfoSeek Ultraseek  WWW search

Internet.Org Domain Name Database Search the database of Internet sites/domains by a variety of methods

Domain growth by Zip Code

Domain by Name/Location

Domains by Industry Type

LookSmart  brought to you by the Readers Digest


The Mining Co. Search thousands of topics in hundreds of interest areas

ProFusion Simultaneous search of the Web (choose the quantity of engines to search)

SavvySearch (New) Simultaneous search of almost 20 Internet search engines


SavvySearch (Old) Simultaneous search of Internet search engines (Choose number to search)

Yahoo! They're #1.


Yahooligans! Yahoo! for kids

DejaNews Search Usenet
