What's New?

Friday, July 06, 2001

So, what's new? Well, let's see. It was two years ago today that my mom died. I don't really know what more to say about it. You never really know how this kind of thing will affect you, but I can tell you that it makes me feel pretty crummy. My dad's been gone for nearly seven years now; I think about the two of them every day, all the time. I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

Otherwise, things are pretty much the same. It's been a couple of years, I guess, since I've updated this thing, so I guess I'll just hit the highlights.

I left NY State employment for a similar (though infinitely more boring) job at Syracuse University, for the purpose of finally getting some kind of degree out of life. I'd decided I didn't want to be a refrigeration mechanic all my life, and figured I ought to do something with computers (it was starting to cost me an awful lot of money as a hobby, that's for sure). Besides, the place I worked was pretty dysfunctional anyway, and it really was a very unhealthy environment in which to work (odd, you might think, what with it being a hospital and all). The place was (and, sadly, continues to be) rotten at the top, with a twisted, sick, evilness pervasive in every corner or the facility. It's too bad, because there are so many truly good and decent people there who suffer at the hands of a relatively few ignorant, incompetent, and very afraid bureaucrats and their lackeys.

Well, anyway, I came to SU and did my thing for five months or so before I landed a job as a web guy for one of the colleges there. That was over a year and a half ago, and I'm still hanging out, doing the web page there, doing a few others on the side, and going to school, trying to finish out my 26-yr plan for a four-year degree. I sometimes enjoy the classes, and sometimes I really despise them. All the while, I wish I'd managed to skip a few "last calls" and get this done the "easy" way twenty or so years ago.

So, I plod through wondering if I'll ever get it all over with.

In other news, I've started trying to discover my roots, and track down my family history. Maybe it's because I'm getting old and feeling like a dead limb on the family tree. Or maybe it's just because I think it's pretty cool. Either way, I've found out a thing or two. If you're interested, you can see what I've got so far here. It's nothing fancy.

Well, I reckon that's about it for now. See ya.



What's Old

April, 99

April, 99

Summer, 98





