Rants, Raves, Bedtime Stories, and other strange emanations from that guy who lives in my head & won't shut up and let me get some sleep (the dirty rotten bastard)


Say Goodbye to Grandma

    This is a cheerful little story about my Dad's mother. A classic I tell often, and possibly the event which most helped to shape my outlook on life.

Modern Medicine

    A true story to make you long for the days of leeches.

Ah, your mother!

    My favorite poem.

Ask Uncle Pat

    This column accepts questions from visitors on any topic imaginable. See what people have been asking about, or send Uncle Pat a question of your own.

What's Old?

    Not much, what's new with you? I try to add things when I get a chance. Here's where I keep the stuff that used to be new, but aint no more (new).


    Do you remember where you were when the shuttle blew up? Here's what I was up to.

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